What is a House Call?

A house call from Dr. Sinai means that she comes to you, equipped to perform many of the same services that would typically require a trip to a veterinary clinic. From routine physical exams and vaccinations to treating minor ailments like skin or ear infections, Dr. Sinai offers a comprehensive range of services right at your doorstep.

Why Choose a House Call?

One of the most significant benefits of opting for a house call is the reduced stress for your pet. Many pets experience anxiety when visiting a clinic, from the car ride to the unfamiliar environment and the presence of other animals. By having a house call your pet can avoid these stressors, making the entire experience much smoother and less traumatic.

Moreover, in a familiar setting, pets often behave more naturally, which can give Dr. Sinai a better understanding of their health and behavior. This can lead to more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatment plans.

What to Expect During a House Call

During a house call, Dr. Sinai will conduct a thorough physical examination, administer necessary vaccinations, and even collect samples for lab testing if needed. She can also provide treatments such as fluids for dehydration and prescribe medications on the spot.

One of the unique aspects of a house call is the additional time Dr. Sinai spends assessing your pet's living environment. She'll offer advice on housing, general care, and how to maintain your pet's health. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your pet’s well-being is considered.

Each visit typically lasts around an hour, with more time available for homes with multiple pets.

If your pet requires a procedure that can't be performed at home, such as surgery or dental work, Dr. Sinai will help schedule an appointment at a clinic or with a specialist, ensuring a seamless continuum of care.

How to prepare for a House Call

Dr. Sinai strives to arrive within in 15 min of the scheduled appointment time and will update you via text if any further delayed (or running early). If parking is difficult in your neighborhood please let us know where we can park close to the house ahead of time.

Upon arrival make sure all patients to be examined are accessible (cats in carriers or small rooms with no hiding, dogs in the house preferably on leash, exotic pets in their enclosures). We will need a clean accessible working surface such as a counter or table in a well lit area.

You may be asked to assist with holding your animal for parts of the exam or treatments which Dr. Sinai will direct. If you are not comfortable assisting in this way please just let us know. Dr. Sinai will bring treats as rewards and distraction; if your pet has known food allergies please let us know, as well as have some of your pets favorite high value treats available.

Payment is required at time of service. Cash, check, and Zelle are preferred.


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